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Showing posts from August, 2021

What Fits Your Fitness Regime?

Everyone has a workout routine set out for themselves. They get into the fitness gear, tighten those laces, stretch a bit, and crank up their favourite playlist to full volume. It gives them their daily boost while keeping them physically and mentally fit. Those who are hooked to working out agree that a little sweat goes a long way for a healthy body. In today's world, where there are multiple workout options available to suit various body types, we conducted a poll with 2,964 respondents to see which regime was preferred by them. 29.72% favour the good-old Jogging while 25.47% swear by the ancient wisdom of Yoga. 17.04% would rather sweat it out with Weight Training and 13.43% prefer the classic Cardio routine. Some people like to keep things fun with Cross Fit (6.41%), some with free-flowing Dancing (0.57%), and some follow Other regimes (7.35%). Read More Here:

Supportive Supervisors: A Dream or Reality?

For a conducive work environment where the employees and the organization thrive, having a supportive and understanding supervisor is an absolute must. The employees should feel comfortable enough to walk up to their managers for any issue they are facing. It is also equally important that the managers look after the mental and physical wellbeing of their juniors. And if a person is lucky enough to find a manager like this, they can fully invest their time and effort in the work they are doing. Conducting a poll on the same, we asked 4,920 respondents whether they like the managers they report to at their workplace. The majority of the respondents (55.83%) are happy with their supervisors as they are incredibly supportive. 24.57% have mixed feelings about them, while 8.19% report working with unsupportive managers. 11.40% of the respondents, however, are indifferent to how their managers are. Going by the data, it seems, for most people, supportive supervisors do exist! For more detail...

Which type pf news do you follow regularly?

Leading online poll website, Opinion Bureau conducts poll related to public interest and concern is. It captures their views on lifestyle, their food habits their news reviews. It also conducts their work and captures their various aptitude-based activities and to reflect the views of the participants. Since its inception, the company is trying to give voice to the consumers. It serves as a good medium to the companies, the service providers, and the consumers. It also captures the changing pattern in the lifestyle, food habits, online consumption and social change.   Recently Online Bureau conducted a poll to understand the user’s news preferences. The company did extensive research on different types of news which are preferred by the consumers. This poll was carried out globally. Out of the seven types of news, the consumer survey asked about their specific preference. 80% of the consumers who said that they are they like to hear about their interested in business news. 15% of ...

Do you think Kejriwal new traffic rules would solve the traffic and pollution problem in Delhi?

India’s leading opinion bureau company, Opinion Of bureau recently conducted a poll to find out the efficacy of the State Government's decision to apply Odd-even traffic system. This idea originally was implemented in the West, and it has seen some of its success. However, this has not yielded any significant change in heavy traffic in the past. The participants were asked about if they believed that the government's decision to implement the Odd-even policy would resolve the traffic problems and pollution level in Delhi. Out of the total 3000 participants, 60% voted in affirmative. 30% poll participants have ruled out the effect of positive effect of this system on traffic congestion. A very marginal percent as of 10% participants were not sure of its effectiveness at all. It shows that people of Delhi positively look at the decision and welcome this idea. It indicates that the citizens would be more willing to coordinate in the implementation. It also means that the State go...