In the recently conducted State election in Uttar Pradesh, the poll participants were asked about the key factors which affected the state results. As part of its Political Poll India's Leading Opinion Bureau company asked its participants from the state about the factors that would affect the State Election.
Out of total 1500 participants, 76% said that development was the main deciding factor. 16% that is 214 number of people said that the regional governance and will would play an important role and be a decisive factor in the State election. 97 number of people that is approximately that is 7% of people said that there would be other factors that would affect the result of the State election. 34 number of people that is 2% of the poll participants were not sure about the factors affecting state elections.
The outcome of the state elections shows that the state people disapproved the government in power and voted for change. It also showed that people disapproved the claim of development or they found it to be understated in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Visit our official website's blog here:
People say, Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. But only a lucky few get to follow their passions and get their dream jobs. With it comes a sense of satisfaction that is essential to lead a happy and balanced life. The ones who aren't content with their scope of work suffer silently, which in turn, impacts their mental and physical wellbeing. We, therefore, conducted a quick poll to grasp the dynamics of this situation better, asking 2,424 respondents whether they are satisfied with their jobs. 55.32% of the respondents replied in affirmative while the others didn't share the sentiment. 12.05% of the people hate their job, and 8.66% are in such a confused state of mind that they don't know how they feel about their jobs anymore. 23.97% of the respondents are above this debate as they don't have a job. Read more here .
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